Water Level Indicator using Active Buzzer Tone Piezo

Water Level Indicator using Active Buzzer Tone Piezo

Creating a water level indicator using an active piezo buzzer for tone indication is a practical and educational project. An active piezo buzzer simplifies the circuit since it only requires a simple on/off signal to produce sound. Here’s how you can build a water level indicator with LEDs and an active piezo buzzer. Components Needed:…

Water Level Indicator using HW-038 Sensor with LEDs

Water Level Indicator using HW-038 Sensor with LEDs

Creating a water level indicator using HW-038 sensor with LEDs is a straightforward project. The HW-038 sensor is an inexpensive module that detects the presence of water and outputs a digital signal. Here’s a simple circuit and code to get you started: Components Needed: Water Level Indicator Circuit Diagram: Connect the components as follows: Water…