How fast lions can run?

lion running

How fast lions can run? This is a question that many people have probably wondered at some point. After all, lions are large cats and can be quite intimidating. They are also known for being fast and agile. So, just how fast can a lion run? How fast lions can run Lions are one of … Read more

Are Coral Reefs Dying?

are corals reef dying

Coral reefs are vital to marine life, providing a home and shelter to millions of sea creatures. But these colourful underwater ecosystems are in trouble. Scientists say that coral reefs around the world are dying at an alarming rate, due to climate change, pollution and other human activities. If we don’t take action to protect … Read more

Is the sun burning out?

Scientists have been debating for decades whether or not the sun is burning out. Some say that its energy is decreasing, while others maintain that it’s still providing enough energy for Earth. But no one really knows for sure. Is the Sun burning out? The sun has been burning for around 4.6 billion years and … Read more